A complete Noflote System comprises one or more 81NE Sensing Electrodes, of the types described later, and a Noflote Controller. The controller contains switching circuitry and control relays, either in a DIN rail mounting enclosure, a chassis-only form for cabinet mounting (multi-point applications), or in a die-cast aluminium, IP56, weatherproof case.
A Noflote System detects the electrical resistance between a Noflote electrode and an earth electrode. The earth reference connected to the controller may be the walls of a metal vessel, pipework within the vessel, the earth rod of a multiple sensor or another Noflote electrode.
When the liquid rises to touch the Noflote electrode an internal relay energises (or de-energises) to operate an alarm, pump, etc. Complex processes can be controlled automatically by means of two or more Noflote systems.